The Polly Ogden Chapter, NSDAR, was organized on April 9, 1912, and our chapter has been serving our community, our state, and the nation for over 100 years. The Organizing Regent was Elizabeth Hoyt Purcell, and the chapter is named for her great-grandmother, Polly Ogden, who was the wife of Ebenezer Cole, a minuteman in the Dutchess County, New York, Militia during the American Revolution.

News article from The Manhattan Nationalist, April 11, 1912
D.A.R. Organize Here
Mrs. E. B. Purcell gave a one o’clock luncheon yesterday to a number of guests who were invited to see Mrs. Geo. Guernsey of Independence. Mrs. Guernsey is State Regent of the “Daughters of the American Revolution.” [Sarah Elizabeth Mitchell Guernsey served as President General, 1917-1920.]
Covers were laid for eighteen ladies. The floral decorations were jonquils and the favors were jonquils and English violets. After the luncheon, which was given at the home of Mrs. John Purcell, the guests were taken to the E. B. Purcell home and a D.A.R. organization was effected for those who are eligible to [sic] membership in Manhattan. The members here will be as follows: Mrs. Irish, Mrs. E. B. Purcell, Mrs. E. C. Pfuetze, Mrs. Brink, Mrs. C. Buck, Mrs. D. H. Fisher, Mrs. W. A. Atkinson, Miss Mary Lee, Mrs. C. B. Daughters, Mrs. Ed Greeley, Mrs. Will Wareham, Mrs. Wilder, Mrs. Westonhaver, Miss Mary Purcell. Several of the ladies are members in other towns, but will transfer their membership to the local organization. The officer [sic] elected were as follows: Mrs. E. B. Purcell, regent; Mrs. Irish, vice regent; Mrs. Will Wareham, registrar; Mrs. Geo. C. Wilder, historian; Mrs. Atkinson, chaplain.

The historic photo at the top of the page shows the regent of the Polly Ogden Chapter, NSDAR, Harriet Mahar Ozment, presenting a historical marker to Kansas State Agricultural College on behalf of the chapter and the Riley County Historical Society, Nov. 26, 1926.
All of the historic photographs are courtesy of the Riley County Historical Society and Museum.